Friday, July 31, 2015

Floral Friday Foto

My new-found interest in photography has caused me to "stop and smell the roses" - literally and figuratively. I've seen the plant below my whole life, but not until recently did I see it as more than a weed or a nuisance.

That's what I love about photography. You start to look at things in a whole new way. The ordinary becomes extraordinary.

I learned this week that the thistle is truly a beautiful plant!!

Linking to:
Floral Friday Fotos

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Black & White Wednesday

I've been experimenting some more with black & white photos. Here are a few I took this week.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Saturday's Critters

I found this little baby bunny on a nature walk in a local state park. He let me get very close, but then he sped away.

Linking to:
Saturday's Critters

Friday, July 24, 2015

Tiger Lily

I love the way the petals are curled back on this Tiger Lily. And the color is so pretty. I'm linking to Floral Friday Fotos. Happy Friday Everyone!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

ABC Wednesday - B is for Bee Balm

B is for Bee Balm!!

This is a new flower for me. I discovered it growing wild in the woods behind our house. After some online research, I discovered it is Bee Balm or Monarda.

The fuchsia color is stunning and bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds love Bee Balm. (I didn't catch any hanging around though. Maybe next time.)

 This is my first link up to ABC Wednesday

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Our World - July 21

I came across these guys on an evening drive around our neighborhood. They didn't seem to mind being models in my photos.

Linking to: Our World Tuesday

Monday, July 20, 2015

Queen Anne's Lace

The Queen Anne's Lace is in full bloom in my neck of the woods.

When I was a little girl, my friends and I would remove the dark purple center of the flower and rub it in our palm as we made a wish.  The darker the purple stain on our palm, the more likely our wish would come true. :-)

Linking to:
Mosaic Monday.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

B&W Queen Anne

I haven't experimented much with black and white photos, but here is a picture of Queen Anne's Lace in black and white.

This beautiful flower has an eerie appeal in black and white.

Linking to:
Black and White Wednesday

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sunsets from "Our World"

I caught these amazing sunset photos on Saturday evening. The colors remind me of cotton candy!

I didn't edit them at all. I think they are beautiful "as is." 

My favorite! I love the purple!
Linking to:
Our World Tuesday

Monday, July 6, 2015

Mosaic Monday - Garden Flowers

Below is an assortment of flowers from my garden. I think the colors are so vibrant and beautiful. Happy summer!!!

Linking to:
Mosaic Monday

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Carved on the Fence Post

I love taking pictures of fences. I usually look for pretty fences lined with flowers or bathed in sunlight. The fence photos I am posting today don't really fit that category, but I think they are just as pretty.

This is a fence that lines the look-out area at a local state park. Over the years, couples have carved their initials into the fence wood.

It makes me wonder: Are the couples still together? How long ago did they carve their initials into the wood? Do they ever revisit to relive their youth or rekindle some romance?

So in the spirit of young love and to proclaim my love for my husband of 23 years...

R+M 4-EVER!! :-)

Linking to:
Good Fences