Thursday, July 2, 2015

Carved on the Fence Post

I love taking pictures of fences. I usually look for pretty fences lined with flowers or bathed in sunlight. The fence photos I am posting today don't really fit that category, but I think they are just as pretty.

This is a fence that lines the look-out area at a local state park. Over the years, couples have carved their initials into the fence wood.

It makes me wonder: Are the couples still together? How long ago did they carve their initials into the wood? Do they ever revisit to relive their youth or rekindle some romance?

So in the spirit of young love and to proclaim my love for my husband of 23 years...

R+M 4-EVER!! :-)

Linking to:
Good Fences


  1. Now days, it takes more than carved initials to make marriages last.

  2. carved into fences is better than trees, i think. :)

  3. I often wonder would the people who did the carving, like this done on their own fence?

  4. This is an interesting fence. I like the steps in it (as well as the carvings).


  5. I like the 'romantic' feeling of this, tho I am not sure I'd like it done on MY fence. lol

  6. I agree with Tex above, it is better carved into the fences than into the trees. Great fence shots. Happy 4th of July!

  7. Thanks everyone. I've never carved on a fence or a tree, but these made for some interesting shots. Thanks for checking out my post!

  8. I have never done this but have always wanted to!! My husband and I have talked about carving our initials in one of our own trees, I'm not sure why we have never done it. I do think it is sweet, if it is allowed!!
